Episode 6
"For the Birds" is the BBCA title - eh. I'd like to call it CRACKTASTIC.
See, I love this show because there was NO REASON for the team to try on the perfectly-preserved 70-year-old formalwear they happened to find while in hiding, but because it would look hella cool with them running through the woods in it, being chased by packs of aggressive giant ostriches, THEY DID. And it fit them like gloves.
It's also typical that they drivedrivedrive away from an attacking ostrich, and the minute they think they're safe, Connor turns around to celebrate and promptly *impales the truck on a tree.* Good job, guys. They bumble so often, I'm not surprised the government has other suspicious agencies getting involved.
Here's a fun fanvid of it.
On the music at the end: is this the first time they've ended with a pop song on the soundtrack? It seemed odd. On BBC America it was something I didn't recognize, but with appropriate lyrics I can't remember now. But on ITV? It was that
Hawaiian guy singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Bzuh? That seals the cracktasticness of the whole thing for me.
Ooh, I liked Lester's suit, with the red tie, striped shirt and red braces. Actually, looking through
this compilation from seasons 1 and 2, I usually like his suits. (And they're appropriate!)
The creatures in this episode weren't named - I wish Connor would have at least made some mention that indicated he considered identifying them. Apparently they're a Miocene bird from the Americas, Phorusrhacids (Titanis walleri), commonly called "Terror birds." (--A term the actors in those Making Of snippets on BBCA used, and until I looked it up I thought it was just the name invented for the script.) In a way, I thought they were more terrifying than any of the other dinosaurs, simply because they were so unrelenting. And the silly shack was falling apart.
Oh, I see they remembered the existence of Rex when they needed to manufacture a situation that would distress Abby. ::eyeroll:: (But he was SO CUTE bopping to the music.) Sigh. This show still has no idea what to do with Abby. She has so much potential.
ejg25 pointed this out to me last week:
news about Primeval's future. (That article is non-spoilery, but there are others out there that refer to the third season finale, so be careful if you're looking around!)