Update: Books for sixth graders

May 07, 2009 07:54

When I go home to the farm tonight, I am taking a trunkload of books to deliver to the Middle School. That's...

120 170 books from
9 10 people in
7 states and
1 foreign country

Awesome. And that's just the books that were sent to my address - I know others were sent directly to the school, more are on their way, and I took them over 30 last time I was home. I think the total might be around 200 250 or more. That's more than the number of children in the sixth grade. Thank you so much, folks! My mom commented on how neat it was that so many people were willing to help out, and I said, "I know a lot of librarians and readers, and they're passionate about books." And books for children.

caerwynx has also given me some ideas for other things to work on later, after the school district has been able to make some decisions about how they're going to handle things next year and what facilities they'll have.

I have sent messages to a few people to confirm that it's okay for me to give the school your address. They told me they would like to do thank you notes, and if nothing else I'd like to tell then what general location (city, state, or country) the books came from, because the geography teacher inside me wants to give them a map and some pins to enhance the learning experience. :)

(ETA more arrived!)


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