Things I Saw: spring break

Mar 30, 2009 11:21

(The layout of the photos looked better on a larger than 15-inch screen. Oh well.)

I managed to finish my latest Doctor Who scarf! (Almost. I'm over half finished weaving in the ends.) I used a modified stitch pattern (3x3 rib) and a different kind of yarn (cotton) so it's not a replica. I guess it's just "Doctor Who inspired." But I really like it - it's very soft, narrower and shorter than the real thing so that it's a little more wearable, though it's still absurdly long. If it just gets cold one more time, I'll get to wear it this season.

On Saturday, a bluebird flew into the picture window and stunned itself. Mama called me (unable to identify the type of bird!) and I found it upside down on a patio chair cushion. I held it cupped in my hands for a little while to keep it warm - there was snowish stuff swirling in the air already - and then found a towel and made it what I hoped was a warm nest inside a clean ice cream bucket. We were on our way out of the house, so I put the bucket on a shelf outside, away from the yard cat. When we came back, the bird was gone, so I hope it recovered and flew away.

I'd like to introduce you to pussy's toes. They grow in sandy, poor soil in shady areas here in early spring. Most of the ones I see are on the mossy dirt bank on the sides of the dirt road and back a little ways into the woods. Aren't they cute?

I finally managed to work in a little trip up on the mountain and a short hike. There are flowers up there that don't grow down in the valley, and the blooming trees at the top are at least a couple of weeks behind. These are peach blossoms and yellow trout lily along with a couple of places Beatrice hung out.

(Report of the week, including more Twilight movie stuff, here [friends locked].)

ETA: Today's writercon March Madness cage match initially looked tough. I'm never much of a shipper, so it was easy to narrow it down to Doctor/Rose/Jack and Mulder/Scully. I think I'm going to have to choose the former, merely because with X-Files, in the show itself, I loved the U in the UST. In Doctor Who, I wouldn't have been opposed to *seeing* a little more Doctor/Rose/Jack on screen. Or heck, any signs that Jack and Rose used to know each other. (Some of you may be interested to know that Sam/Dean/Impala, Doctor/Master, and Sam/Gene [LoM] are also in the running.)

birds, flowers, things i saw, nature

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