Waiting for judging
Bull riding
This little boy was SO CUTE. The electric bull, fortunately, has much easier speeds for younger riders.
Sheep pajamas
Luna was eager to show me another "jacket" that was a leopard print, which she loves.
Dressalike contest: purple
Dressalike contest: blue
I liked this one because the set is clearly hand-knit.
Radical racist sheep?
Fried Dr. Pepper
Hot Beef Sundae
Deep Fried Twinkies
Powdering the Twinkie
Deep-fried sin
...and by fashion, you'll see I mean SHEEP fashion. I have niece and baby animal pictures for another time.
I am clumsy today--one (minor) burn, several tea spills on myself, numerous dropped items and getting clothing snagged on things. I haven't fallen down yet, go me! And anyway, this is all overshadowed by the fact that yesterday's oppressively warm, humid low pressure system, which was making me feel ill, was replaced overnight by cold rain. I feel so much better.
And most importantly, that means that I got to break out my Scarf for the first time this season. I don't remember if I mentioned that last year, it had practically reached a Linus-style security blanket status with me, so it makes me happy to have it back.
I'm also having my cable TV downgraded today to just the local channels and the Weather Channel. It costs $40 to have a guy come out and flip some switch somewhere, but since that's more than the amount I'll save each month, I feel okay about it. I'm excited. I'll miss the History Channel, Comedy Central, and SciFi, but I'm looking forward to simplifying my viewing and getting more out of DVDs.
Of course, now my DVD player seems to be on the fritz. It's only 5 years old and it has worked perfectly since I got it - I don't know. I have an "ultra-compact" player I got for $20 a few years ago as a backup, and it's working some of the time. I still think the main player might cure itself. It's just the tray eject mechanism - it can't be too bad, right?