Sketch comedy and a couple of Classic Who serials. Great stuff to grade papers and knit by. :)
I am a latecomer to the magic of Fry and Laurie
I was busy and tired last week, but I had Fry and Laurie keeping me company!
celticfeministx recommended them. The show is a sketch comedy with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie playing most of the characters. Charming, smart, ridiculous, great chemistry. In one sketch the two of them, as television sketch comedy critics, grow increasingly bored, and it begins to show in their posture, until they appear literally lying on the floor of their studio set, heads propped against their chairs, legs entangled with one another's, lazily eating pudding while they discuss. ::love:: A couple of times I started giggling uncontrollably, and I don't think I could have even explained why I was laughing, except maybe that they play everything so incredibly straight. And never mind the fourth wall, it's only a suggestion.
Here's the one that tickled me the hardest in the first couple of episodes:
Mr. N.I.P.P.L. - E..
An adorable puppy almost steals the scene from Stephen Fry.
It's making me miss Little Britain, too. Who would have thought I would be fond enough of that silly show to consider *buying* it?
Third Doctor and Liz: Inferno
It doesn't get really interesting until the Doctor, due to a "nuclear surge" to the TARDIS console, gets transported to a parallel world where UNIT are the military personnel at a "science work camp" in the British communist republic. Liz is a brunette! The Brig has a scar and eyepatch and is a whiny twat! Benton is exactly the same as Original Benton!
And it turned out to be the same plot as the SG1 episode "There but for the Grace of God" - and just as sad, too, because Benton bites the dust! Horribly - and also comically, but I was still sad while I was laughing.
Speaking of sadness and danger, two great emotional moments: one when we squiggle back to the original world and see how upset Liz is that the Doctor has disappeared. The Brigadier tries to tell her to chin up, the Doctor can take care of himself, but she shoots back that the Doctor isn't indestructible. She's worried about him! Then later, in the Communist Republic of Britain, Eyepatch!Brig sees that Benton is about to be set upon by monsters, and you should hear the way he shrieks Benton's name. It clears away any doubt that the Brigadier and Benton's soldierly man love is pure.
And while I'm on the monsters, SG1's story dispensed with Doctor Who's Green Lava Werewolves, who knows why. They were pretty awesome. I also don't know why the slime from the center of the earth would be green, especially since it's a bunch or Racnoss babies down there, right? But whatever. If it gives us Hulk-like green werewolves I'm happy.
Benton gets called the Brigadier's "ape-like minion" and every time someone calls Eyepatch!Brig "Brigade Leader" I first think they're saying "gay leader." And they talk about "penetration" a lot since the story is about "drilling." Fun fun fun!
Third Doctor and Jo: Carnival of Monsters
The Doctor takes them to some planet with "air like wine" and when they materialize in a cargo hold, Jo is doubtful. Then she sees something moving and screams bloody murder about what turns out to be... chickens. But then it's the Doctor who is ridiculous, refusing to believe they're on Earth and kind of belittling Jo, who just teases him back. (He's right, but that's beside the point.) And he's so vain! They're caught as stowaways and Jo explains they haven't been seen before because her "uncle" has been ill; the Imperialist Stereotype Grandfather booms amicably, "Poor traveler, eh, not used to it?" and the Doctor blows their cover by spluttering that he has been all over the universe, or something. Hee. It's good Jo/Doctor.
Jo: We're still on Earth, aren't we?
Doctor: That's impossible.
Jo: Don't you ever admit that you're wrong?
Doctor: That's impossible too.
Ah hah, before minute ten I figured out this was going to be a statement about racial arrogance and species exploitation. First the grey alien guys, then the British Empire.
Oh! HARRY! Ian Marsters is in this, and he BOXES WITH THE DOCTOR. Awesome.
Also awesome: part of the "carnival of monsters" is a set of giant toothed wormy things that bear more than a vague resemblance to
giant maggots (::love:) and at one point two of them spend a few seconds open-mouth tongue-kissing. Bwa ha ha ha. I don't even know. WHY CAN'T I SCREENCAP THIS, WHY, GOD?
More funny:
these two (go ahead, look at them before you continue) have a little private conversation making fun of the Doctor's clothes. They figure he's a carnie, like them. Hee.