Fresh air (Coffee, radio, Naoko Mori)

Apr 12, 2008 18:54

It's been an utterly lovely day. I am deeply empty and lonely but it's not the kind of lonely that wants company, or the kind of empty that wants filling, if you know what I mean. It's the kind of day when I can look at something mundane as the cold wax at the bottom of my lava lamp and feel very emotional about the shape of the wax. It's the kind of day when organizing my thoughts well enough to decide which pot to plant the poppy seeds in is a challenge. Oh brain chemicals, you are so wacky.

I have a lot of work to finish this weekend, but the weather was so incredible, sunny, cool, windy, I rebelled against going in to the office. I just spent the day doing the grading I could do at home with all my windows open, and I'll go in tomorrow. Should I *hope* for miserable weather?

Mmm delicious hot herbs
I also ordered a sampler of this interesting herbal brew. I hope it will be a delicious hot beverage I can drink occasionally for some variety in my decaf tea habit. I would be drinking it in place of coffee, which seems to do weird things to me lately whether it's regular or decaf (I suspect it's not merely a caffeine issue), but I don't plan to think of it as a coffee substitute. I don't believe in trying to replace foods with completely different foods and make yourself believe they're "just as good." That's a path to disappointment. Just take each food on its own merits. I'm looking at you, "Vegetarian Meatloaf." Millet is never going to taste like beef, and why would I even want it to? Just call it millet loaf and enjoy.

That said? As an experiment, this morning I brewed some of the good quality, full-caf coffee my dad gave me last time I was home and drank it along with a big donut to really drive up the stakes. No problems. WTH, body?

Listening to the radio while I grade is always a recipe for distraction
* Scranton police should have had Dwight Schrute on the case.

* The NPR comedy news quiz show "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" had Neil Patrick Harris on as their celebrity contestant last week. It's still up here; you can scroll down and just catch NPH's segment, but if you don't listen to the whole show you'll miss learning why UK sports bra company Booby Doo is in trouble and whether that whinnying sound in the background after the first quiz is Neil Patrick Harris's unicorn, and that would just be tragic.

This is the best news since Avenue Q
Did we know that Naoko Mori starred in Miss Saigon opposite John Barrowman when she was 17? I did not know this! I thought it was some fan legend that made it onto Wikipedia, so I ended up reading all the Naoko Mori parts of the internet to see if it was true. I also didn't know that she spent 6 years of her childhood in the US and didn't move to London until she was 12. That helps explain why she has such a precise standard accent, I would think.

In the interview I finally found confirming the Miss Saigon thing, there was also this: (don't worry, no spoilers inside the cut) But you two don't get to sing very much on Torchwood.

No, but we sing off set. We're always singing!

Well, Russell likes Buffy, so maybe you could do a musical episode like they did.

I know! And -- I don't think it will happen, but never say never -- we're always on set joking about Torchwood! The Musical. And we're always coming up with songs, like "Weevil Rock You," like the Queen song, or "Let's Go to the Hub" [laughs].
Aww. After I read this I remembered Mori and Eve Myles saying the same thing a TV interview I saw on YouTube awhile back.

(Please note! There may be spoilerish things in the comments.)

coffee, weather, torchwood, teaching, health, radio

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