Spring of the Day IV + The Onion on grammar

Mar 13, 2008 11:24

8 March 2008

Yellow and pink today. I should have a lot of pear blossoms soon if I can remember to bring my camera to school tomorrow. There is a wreath of white-blossomed trees around the hospital across from my apartment, but they're very jumpy about cameras there.

4 March 2008

ETA: Underfunded Schools Forced to Cut Past Tense from Language Programs"Our tax dollars should be spent preparing our children for the future, not for what has already happened," Hatch said at a recent press conference. "It's about time we stopped wasting everyone's time with who 'did' what or 'went' where. The past tense is, by definition, outdated."

Said Hatch, "I can't even remember the last time I had to use it."

spring, flowers, things i saw, teaching, satire

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