For nutmeg3 and sunbrae, who wanted to know more about Eufaula the cougar. Behold:
I think the problem, other than the poorly evocative face, is that they overstuffed her so that her legs are sticking out at crazy angles from her body instead of in front of her, as with most quadruped mammals. She's a cuddly mess. Regarding the name Eufaula, I was searching through names of hunt goddesses and I thought I'd found it there, but now all I can find is what I already knew, there's a town by that name in Oklahoma. One of the many things lost to my inability to stay awake longer than 10 minutes once I sit down on the couch in the evening, I guess.
In other fake animal news, I ordered Monkey Brewster a monkey Halloween costume. I am going to keep splashing her on Facebook as often as I can stay awake long enough. What I need now is a video that would go viral-wish, right? Or at least time to take her in public a bunch of places. If she's with me long enough I'll take the Canine Good Citizen class with her.
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