9 Happy Things

Apr 18, 2013 16:40

...because come on, this week. (Humorous strong language in link.)

1. These videos exist.

"You're invited to a Puppy Party/Kitten Party!"

2. Tulips are blooming, or will be.

3. Purple is for strong.

4. Some dogs are hunting for eggs filled with dog cookies. The dog cookies have colored sprinkles in them.

5. Apples are preceded by pretty blossoms.

6. Naps are awesome.

7. Memphis and Ladybug love you.

8. Box turtles are out looking for turtle love...

...and this bronze tortoise is so sweetly happy he's winning the race.

9. Spring is pretty.

This entry was also posted at http://rustydog.dreamwidth.org/1141925.html. You may comment at either place.

spring, dogs, good things, things i saw, picspam

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