2013 Nature Calendar, a set on Flickr.
The past few years, I've used online photo services to make calendars for my family, but I didn't do it this year because a) my mom usually reminded me and b) it's a really time consuming process. (Probably shouldn't be, but is for me.) But I guess my aunt and uncle in Wisconsin really like the calendars, because they were sad enough that they didn't get one, my uncle emailed to ask me if they could pay for four. 0.o So I spent ten hours over Tuesday and Wednesday and got the calendars shipped off.
The reason I rushed it is that Snapfish has a 50%-off sale on calendars through January 5. Does anybody want one? I can't give them as gifts, unfortunately, but I can have Snapfish send you the link and if you like the calendar, you can order it yourself. It's nothing to me either way, but because of the sale I thought I'd mention it. (Or obviously you could make your own calendar on any of the photo services available. They probably all have sales right now.) Disclaimers: I think to view my calendar, you have to sign in or create a Snapfish account. And with the discount the calendar is $10 but they still charge shipping. And (10 hours notwithstanding) this was a bit of a rush job and I didn't have access to all my photos from 2012. And Snapfish doesn't have much variety in photo layouts. And, and, and, perfectionist blah blah. If you want, let me know or DM me the email address you want me to use, and I'll send an invite.
Above are some of the photos I used--I just wanted to collect them on Flickr as a record. (Click the link to see the whole set of 31.) I weeded 12 months' worth down to 83 photos, then chose from those to make the calendar. Some were inserted into special dates in the calendar part. It was actually kind of fun, but I'm thinking this year maybe I can do this work month by month so it's not so time consuming at the end.