(no subject)

Jul 13, 2012 21:18

There are *lots* of children in my part of the apartment complex and especially now in the summer, they're always hanging out in groups playing in the courtyards. I love that they play outside and play together. It's like Sesame Street without the muppets out there. But I get a little nervous with Memphis because when people are unpredictable, sometimes it makes him huffy. (Mostly he doesn't like lurkers and loiterers, but who can blame him.)

We were just coming back from our walk and had to come through a narrow passageway, another situation where he used to be jumpy. There were four adorable little girls on the steps and they expressed interest in him. Fortunately I had my treat bag. Memphis performed tricks for them, let a little girl hug him, licked another girl's face, and then waved "bye-bye," which got applause.

He has no idea how much I needed that positive thing.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

dogs, via ljapp, good things

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