Sunny road, a photo by
Little Dog Laughed on Flickr.
Something That Made Me Happy: Partly cloudy in the evening. I love rain and I've enjoyed walking in it, but after three or four days of enough steady rain to flood and close rural roads, it was nice to see blue sky and not sink in mud. And it was sunny without being hot! Amazing.
First there was rain and rain and rain and Memphis didn't get to go in the yard. Sad puppy.
Then we went for a walk anyway and had great adventures. There was a super-exciting box turtle.
Then an unexpected tramp through the woods, smashing through vines and splashing across creeks, crossing a little river on a log, getting over a fence on another log, swimming across the pond outtake which was unfortunately 2mm higher than the top of Rusty's boot, then a run through more rain and a fun and stimulating towel-dry.
Finally, after the sun came out, Rusty was spending too much time with a camera and some flowers and so a little bit of photobombing happened.
Then Memphis had a hard time settling down, so he ran around with some shoes in his mouth, pestered a couple of cats, and played fetch. Now he is finally lying next to Rusty on the sofa. Whew.