pre-Terra Nova thoughts

Sep 26, 2011 18:01

I can't remember the last time I posted twice in one day, but there are dinosaurs in my near future.

I'm going to try Terra Nova, because DINOSAURS, but I think the premise (as I understand it from watching one theatrical-style trailer and reading no reviews) is ridiculous. And yes, I'm saying this as a fan of a show that regularly brought prehistoric creatures into present-day England through a portal thingy. That was internally logical because it was a mystery and didn't involve stupidity on the part of the humans. Mostly. But intentionally colonizing earlier geological eras, gah! First thought: Both Helen Cutter AND Nick Cutter would have HATED this.) On Terra Nova, I don't care if the human race is going extinct, if they don't at least have a group of scientists, eco-protesters, and religious people picketing the portal thingy that's sending people back, I will immediately have serious doubts. I might hang on a little longer to see if anyone starts belatedly questioning the broader implications of their plan, other than simply regretting that giant carnivores are omg! hunting and eating the nummy little humans. And if they don't have parasitologists and epidemiologists among their colonists, that's another strike against them.

My other concern is that this is going to turn out to be like Wildfire. Remember that ABC Family show? I was so excited by the pilot because it looked like it was going to be about a girl and a HORSE. Instead, it turned out to be about a girl and a bunch of other people and all their soapy angst--which is fine if that's what you want and expect, but the horse was just something to name the show after and occasionally show in the background. I was pretty disappointed. I would like for Terra Nova to continue to prominently feature dinosaurs as part of the plots, not just as background for the characters to have their little human dramas.

Okay, basically I want a bigger-budget Primeval. But it's okay, I already have the actual Primeval, and if I need to drop Terra Nova because it's just Lost with visible monsters, that will be fine. No hard feelings.

P.S. I seem to recall seeing some promo for this show that used the term Triassic while there was a T-rex wandering around.

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