Zoo: flora

Aug 03, 2011 17:26

I got to go to the zoo on Saturday! It was a bit hot... well, I say "a bit," it was over 100 by the time I left at noon, but compared to the temps we're reaching this week (110F and up) it seems almost mild. Some of the animals were not on display so they can stay where it's cool, and others were being given ice treats -- the great apes, elephants and penguins.

One nice thing was to see flowers. It's too dry and hot lately for the usual wildflowers to bloom, but there are some well-cared-for ones at the zoo.


Rosemallow and bee

Fluffy seeds

Black eyed susans

Hairy-stemmed sunflowers

Orange coreopsis

Spotted beebalm (monarda)


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flowers, things i saw, zoo, picspam

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