
Aug 17, 2010 01:12

Happy quarter moon!

I took a picture of stars! It was harder than you'd think. I finally figured out that I needed to use a more sensitive "film" speed, so I set the ISO to 800, cranked the aperture as wide as it would go (f/4.0), and set the exposure for as long as my camera would allow (30 seconds), stuck it on a tripod and used a delayed shutter release, and this is what I got.

Then Daddy loaned me one of his cameras and we fiddled with it for a bit. The only difference was a wider aperture (f/2.8) but it seemed to pick up more of the grainy texture of the milky way stars.

Of course, this is only a fraction of the stars we could see with our eyes. I swear it looks like somebody dumped a bucket of white sand across the sky. I saw five or six Perseid meteors during the time I was out, but we didn't happen to get any of them in our photos.

stars, things i saw

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