Just finished my last research paper first draft! And it's not even midnight yet! I only had six papers in this batch, and half of them weren't even finished, so I was able to do one per day and maintain something like what passes for a normal life for me in the summer. I don't think I spent more than five hours on any of the papers. Unfortunately, what this means now is that when final drafts come in next Monday, all 13 of them, I will have a lot more work, less time to accomplish it, and a big part of it will be plagiarism checking, which is the thing that does the worst to drive me crazy. Eh, cross that bridge later. I'm a day ahead of schedule on the first drafts, which is great because I've been putting off a lot of little things, like reading drabbles, replying to comments, doing laundry, having time to force my body to relax before bed, and making the cookies I've been craving for days.
Veering wildly to another topic...talking to
jheaton tonight reminded me, I've been meaning to ask this for awhile. It's a Parks and Recreation question.
Is the show *trying* to make me ship Leslie and Ann? I have had the impression from very early on that Rashida Jones was playing Ann as a woman who really has a crush on Leslie Knope, but she isn't aware of it in "that way." Just the way she looks at Leslie sometimes, or the way she holds her body when she's near her, I don't know. It didn't seem subtle once I started noticing it. And then there are just the times when the two of them jump at the chance to spend time together. I could see them anywhere on the spectrum from best gal pals 4eva to platonic lifemates to omg I just realized I've been in love with you all along smoochynowplease.
I'm not well enough versed in the show to cite episode and scene, but if I rewatched, I know I could come up with some specifics. If there's an actual P&R fandom, I'm not aware of it, so I don't know if this is something everybody else sees or if it's just me.