Sometimes, timing and setting is what makes something awesome.
1. Knitting showing up where you least expect ita) In a Jack/Ianto fic:
"Fifty Things Captain Jack Harkness Learnt After Ianto Jones Learnt How to Knit" by
loveslashangst ( Torchwood s2 spoilers). This was originally recced to me by
travels_in_time. Lovelovelove. I think it would be amusing even if you don't know
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Your pylons are what we call bollards. I was somewhat relieved to find that the graffiti knitters weren't clambering around 20 feet plus up in the air!
The LJ notifications thing is confuzzdling the hell out of me!
Bollard. ::files away information::
The LJ notifications thing is confuzzdling the hell out of me!
Me too, actually. I have thirty new ones in my inbox now, and it's almost as bad as not having any -- I don't know where to look!
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