
Dec 01, 2009 17:29

Yoiks. I mis-remembered the Christmas pudding recipe: it's supposed to steam for 6 hours initially, then 3 hours on the day you serve it, not the other way round. I do hope I haven't ruined it. I'll steam it some more tonight. (I'm already using a makeshift "pudding basin" and I don't know what "baking paper" is so I used waxed paper.)

Well, that hardly seems worth a post, so here are some birds in conversation.

I've never been able to get any decent pictures of the flamingos before. They were also ruffling their feathers a lot, which was pretty in the sun.

ETA: Happy Oak Moon! The next one's blue, unless the full moon occurs here after midnight on New Year's Eve - it's going to be pretty close in my time zone and I'm not entirely clear.

birds, food, things i saw, zoo

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