A crisis struck in Action Figure Land today when I brought home a package of green Peeps. The Librarian very understandably decided they were a threat, but most of the rest of the toys really liked them. Peeps are exotic, both soft and grainy -- textures most action figures don't get to experience very often. Unfortunately, the Librarian managed to
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This made me laugh out loud: They're so well hidden, you probably can't see them, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
Which made TinyTimelet come over to investigate what I was laughing at, and now she is demanding Doctor Who action figures for her birthday. She wants a Sarah Jane one. Do they even have a SJ one?
I love TinyTimelet for wanting a Sarah Jane! I knew I'd seen them - it looks like there are at least two versions available here, but sadly not this one. Star poet!
What have we unleashed?
Funnily enough my Nephew wants an Eleven for his birthday (in April).
I want a Seventh Doctor and classic TARDIS for my birthday - so I asked my ex and he agreed! I'll be hopefully buying the Remembrance Seventh Doctor for myself today. *fingers crossed* My Doctor Who/Torchwood action figures have taken over an entire shelf in my lounge... and I have a TARDIS on my coffee table!
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