new york so far (i owe two chickens...see that the debt is repaid)

Aug 22, 2006 20:19

so, uh, yeah. york is massive. like really huge. you thought it was a long trip down to the chemists', but that's just peanuts to new york.

anyway all my friends live on the other side of town. as of right now i live with a chinese guy (nice, helped me move in, but doesn't speak a lot of english so that kind of makes things difficult), and an australian guy, who's apparently germaphobic and has horses in australia. that can't be true, because if i remember my commercials correctly: fosters is to beer as horsey is to kangaroo. so he would have said kangaroos. i don't know. he's pretty chill. the greek guy is "out", and the other guy is subletting his apartment to the australian guy (in case anyone's count is off, this is the guy from brooklyn).

the strand is an awesome bookstore.

also, i haven't run into half as many bums as i did in louisville, and so far the bums have been well dressed and polite! harumph!

lessee...pissed off family by being a prick...check...

like i said willy and jesse and ian live across town, so it's always a big decision (as far as i see it) to go hang out. if that sounds ridiculous, consider the fact that just by the number of streets there are two louisvilles between us. yes. they live below the numbered streets and i live on 118th. combine that with the fact that i hardly speak to my roomies much (it's more like bathroomies because that's pretty much all we share...i don't give a crap, i don't want to make friends with those i live with because those friends in my observation can become enemies FAST) i get pretty lonely sometimes.

also, the advice "oh, just go get lost in the city! it'll be fun!" does NOT WORK. the fun part. I've been lost once on the subway (which created a sense of desperation, that sense inducing a sharpness of mind that allowed me to understand this new aspect of my environment with crystal clarity, so a plus there) amd lost once on foot (i'm sorry, it is true white people, that harlem is very scary at night. try walking down "malcolm x blvd." alone in a drizzle and trying to look fierce (something yours truly cannot say he excels at...i puffed out my chest, walked a bit taller with a "don't fuck with me/i'm only slightly befuddled" grimace on my face. i also drooled a bit to show that i was bloodthirsty.

or not. the fact is you're a racist.

anyhoo, i got netflix which promises to be awesome...and to answer everyone's last question, no, i have not spent every night being drunk.

ok, you people bore me now.

no scratch that part call me. also i owe shannon ten bucks.

tell her i'm sorry i forgot and i'll make the arrangements. that sounded socratic-deathbeddy, didn't it?
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