I'm home for summer. Sucks. I hope this summer will be fun. I had completly forgotten how trashy Jersey can be until I went to dinner and saw a girl in a belly shirt with a super tramp stamp. Welcome back!
I broke my thub nail and I had to cut it and it is bothering me because I am NOT used to having short nails at all. Kinda random.
Yeah, stole this survey from multiple people. Hells yeah freshman year!
1.Where Are You From?
Scotch Plains, NJ
2.What School Did You Attend?
The College of William & Mary!
3.Where Is That Located?
Scenic Williamsburg, VA.
4.Was It Very Different From Where You’re From?
Um, yeah. So many tourists, so little suburbia.
5.Did You Stay On Campus?
6.What Residence Hall Did You Stay In?
Yates. AKA the best hall ever. Y2N baby!
9.Who Were Your Closest Friends?
Lily, Lauren, Caroline, Holly, Mandy, Ian, Justin
10. Did they live on your floor?
All the girls did.
11.Perform In Any Shows?
Nope, but I did sort of perform for my dance class.
12.Who Were You Dating?
I dated Jacob for a little. Over much?
13.Talk To Any Upper Classmen?
Yep. Friends in TDX plus a few gymnasts.
14.Where Did You Mostly Spend Your Weekends?
Doing stuff on campus. Chilling in the dorm.
15.Where Did You Spend Most Of Your Money?
Buying more W&M paraphanelia I don't need. And real food on the few occasions I left campus.
16.Did You Party?
Um, yes, yes I did.
Does visiting Jayne count?
19.Get Tatted?
20.How Many? Where?
21. Piercings?
I wanted to!!!
22.How Many? Where?
I am so doing my nose this summer.
23. Get lost?
Actually, I was good about knowing where I was going, which is a surprise.
24.Get Stranded?
Not that I remember.
25.Get In Any Fights?
Oh yeah, you know me, wild a crazy. :P
26.See Any Fights?
28.See Any Thing Disgusting?
VOM! Ugh.
29.Do You Regret Anything You Did?
Nope. I rergret some things I didn't do though.
30.Did You Go To Church?
I went to a baptist service with Mandy and a methodist service with Holly and Caroline. My first church experiences ever!
31.How Were Your Grades?
Not as good as I wanted but not terrible.
33.Drop Any Classes?
34.Who Was Your Favorite Professor? Least Favorite?
I liked Drs. Sher, Pilkington, and Smith. I was not a fan of Fiedor. He was boring as fuck.
35.What Was Your Favorite Course? Least Favorite?
I really like Emerging Diseases. I was also a fan of Psyc as a Social Science, Bio 204 and 203, and Intro to Archaeology. I hated Philosophy.
36.Fall Asleep In Any Classes?
Nope. I tried not to anyway.
37.Get Kicked Out Or In Trouble In Any Class?
Oh please, like I was even noticed in my classes.
38.Argue With Any Professors?
39.What Time Did You Get Up Most Mornings?
15 minutes before my class started.
40.Ever Wake Up To Eat Breakfast?
No, never. Breakfast is for squares.
41.What Was Your Favorite Cafeteria Food?
CAKE! And curly fries and hamburgers. Sometimes they had rice and beans too. And I really liked the cream of potato soup before they started making it suckish. And the all of one time they had really good rice and beans.
42.What Did You Do For Thanksgiving?
Went home. Ate. Celebrated my 18th birthday.
43.What About Winter Break?
Sat on my ass and did nothing.
44.Spring Break?
Visited Jayne at Rowan, which was awesome.
45.Who Did You Miss The Most?
Jayne and Briana. And the family of course.
46.Did You Grow Apart From Your Old Friends?
Some of them I lost contact with. Some I kind drifted from. Some I am still as close as ever!
47.What Food Did You Miss The Most?
Fast food/food from restuarants. Red meat.
48.What Is The First Thing You Gonna Do When You Get Home?
Sleep, be a bum, play with my cat.
49.Learn Anything New About Yourself?
Yeah, I think so.
50.Are You Gonna Miss Your Freshman Year?
Oh yeah, so much.