Rust·y ro·bot, noun.
1. A device resembling a human man, capable of independant reasoning and abstract thought, with primative emotions and social cognizance.
I've made a
new blog, on sixapart's new free service, Vox. Sixapart makes livejournal, for those who don't follow the blogging world too closely. The service seems to be meant as an easier way to share media while keeping the livejournal community. It seems liek a nice place to live, so i'm going to migrate all my media postings there, while retaining this site to share my personal journaling with you, the viewer, as well as reading my friends page to keep tabs on those who live far away.
Read about me, and the books i'm reading, the music i'm listening to and the videos i find hilarious here at
RustyRobot's Central File.