I wonder if I missusing my livejournal by treating it as a regular blog, where i post things i find on the internet or want to comment on in my own environment, or if I should try and stick to stuff about my life, like a dead journal would be. I sometimes feel that i'm hijacking the attention(no really) of my friends (hey stop laughing) who want to hear about me(c'mon, quit it) and instead making them pay attention to other stuff.
I mean, i wouldn't write a little note in a deadjournal about how much I like zeFrank. In fact, i wouldn't write in a deadjournal at all. I'm only in this thing so I can make y'all listen to my whiny crap.
If you have an opinion about it, or have something you'd like to add about how i run my LJ(other than telling me to post more, my family covers that) please chime in.
In other news:
I find zeFrank's daily weblog reliably enjoyable. I got into it during what I think is his most funny period, and he's done a good job of keeping the thing interesting and funny without driving himself crazy. It takes a long time to do this kind of thing, and I hope he doesn't think his efforts are in vain. There is a community of people who like him and what he does. Maybe now that
RocketBoom has unboomed amanda congdon he'll get more viewership.
Today's show is a perfect example of why I like the zefrank, except for the songs which I'll get to later. He can take a subject and break it down into how it works, why it sucks, and who the latest perpatrators are. He has a good bit about the distinction between things that are "cool" and things that are "fun" as defined by society.
His bit today is about the supreme court decision to uphold most of Tom Delay's Gerrymandering, which is basically bullshit, but you can see for yourselves:
supreme, ugly, court, gerrymander, redistricting, clusterfuckers This next link is to an episode which pretty much got me into this whole zefrank thing, and is most of the reason i come back every weekday.
hindsight, tired, delta FYI: Sportsracers are his audience,
hard chargers are the dickheads of the world,
The League of Awesome is the governing body over Ze and the sports racers.