May 01, 2005 16:16
welll here we go.
all is well with felipe and catherine. they are kinda back together working thru everything. its either all in catherines head? or is it her heart? she likes him when...dah i can't remember. but anyway, she wants to try and make it happen because her heart (or her head??!?!!) always goes back to him. man. ill tell you what. im just glad i'm leaving because it hurts my head listening to her reason out this relationship. i just wish them the best.
i have 19 days left of my santa barbara life. thats right folks, this chapter is ending and i am anticipating the next one. i am REALLLY super excited to see all my oregon loves. it will be good. im excited for tadmor, excited for weekends all over the place, excited for family camps and yeah. forth of july is my favorite holiday so im pretty stoked for that one too.
but on the down side im saying goodbyefornow to all my friends down here. felipe keeps hitting me then hugging me, cleary unable to decide his feelings either. and dmitry is sad that his bestest girlie is leaving him. im going to miss everybody SOOO MUCH!!!