(no subject)

May 13, 2004 14:07

I would like to keep posting in LJ, but I can't think of anything to say.


My cat Lucifer figured out how to get out of my room, and is currently embarking on a campaign to drive me completely insane. Today I get to spend my lunch break going to furniture stores and trying to find something that I can use to block my doorway so that he can't get out.

My roommate is moving out for sure this time, on July 1. So I have to find a new roommate. But I can't do that until I call maintenance and get her room fixed up. (I went up there and discovered that the ceiling is leaking and cracking. She never bothered telling me about this. And she clearly hasn't cleaned once since she moved in. Ugh--I'm going to have a hell of a time finding someone to move in.)

Anyway, problem is I can't call maintenance until I find a way to make sure the cats can't get out of my room. My apartment doesn't allow pets, and maintenance always comes in the middle of the day when I'm at work. I really don't want the maintenance guy stumbling upon the cats. Or hearing the cats--guess I'll have to leave the TV on really loud for a few days after I call. It would be nice if maintenance would call me back and tell me when they're coming, but no, that's too much trouble for them....

I wish they didn't have my key, but it's expensive to change the locks, and then I'd have to skip work in order to let them in....

Life is complicated. I wish it was July and I was at Writercon now.

I would comment on Angel, but at this point it's gotten as bad as Chosen; so awful it's not even worth my effort to point out all its flaws. Can you say lame deux ex machinas, ridicluous retcons, and utter lack of subtlety? Last night I was so repulsed by ME's simplistic crap that I watched an episode of Highlander just to clean out my brain. (The Valkyrie--now there's a level of real moral complexity that ME has never reached. All these characters with different moral perspectives and none who are "clearly" right or wrong--it's all shades of grey with no easy answers. I love that so much compared to ME's stupid simplistic crap. I just think what Methos' reaction would be to Angel's silly speech last night and it reminds me what truly pathetic writers ME really are. No realistic voices of dissent, no complications, just falsely constructed "easy answers" that make no sense once you actually dig deep and start questioning them.)

I wrote more in depth criticism of the seasonal theme already and don't really feel like repeating it here.

*sigh* Back in the day, my Spike was the truth teller who could see through all the bullshit that the "heroes" bought into. Now he's, what, Angel's wife? The first one to raise his hand for Angel's idiotic and pointless plan? Please.

And yeah, the "intimate" line was nice, but isn't anyone else sick of the blatant subtext that is this close to being text but never really is? ME always maintains plausible deniability when it comes to showing actual gay male characters (with the exception of Larry in, what, BtVS season three?) And when it does, they're usually a joke. Sure, lesbians are sexy and interesting and acceptable, but gay men? They're just played for laughs. Look at what they did with Andrew last week--didn't anyone else find two women on his arm and a lecture about "change is good" to be repulsively offensive for a character who was this-close-to-textually gay? Homoerotic subtext gets old (and boring and predictable) when you know it's just an in-joke that they're never going to do anything with. Either follow through on it or don't, but quit with the teases that never go anywhere real.

Every week it's the same damn thing: come onto LJ and read a million people squeeing "It's canon!" Um, no, it's really not--it's very thinly veiled subtext that will never actually be text because ME is too afraid to do anything serious with it. (Don't believe me? Plenty of people will argue that there is no evidence whatsoever for anything homoerotic between Spike and Angel. 'The word "intimate" has many meanings. And if "intercourse" could be used to mean "conversation" earlier in the episode, Spike could've meant "intimate" in an emotional sense. And did you miss Angel sleeping with Nina? They're not gay!' Etc.... Just for once I'd like ME to either canonically acknowledge it and make it a real layer to the relationship, or else quit with the pointless teases. I really find it offensive that they can hint at male homosexuality all throughout the series, mostly in jokes, yet it's not acceptable enough to ever treat it as a serious story element.)

Huh. I didn't realize I had that much to say.

I wish I could update my website, but I just can't bring myself to read ME-verse fanfic anymore. I know many fic writers are a million times better then ME, but the characters (yes, even Spike) just make me shudder is disgust. I don't want to think about them, even in fic.

I'm working on this. I know at some point I'm going to have to catch up on fic. And there are some writers that I love, who I'll read no matter what they write ...

roommates, apartment, highlander, cats, gender issues, angel: the series

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