(no subject)

Mar 09, 2004 23:16

This week has just sucked. And it's only Tuesday. Damn. I'm ready for the week to be over now.

I'm terribly worried about jodyorjen, of course. (Go here if you haven't yet. And, Jen, if you're out there, please get in touch with one of us. Non-judgemental support, I promise.)

I've also been stressed with midterms. Took one today, which I think went okay. Two more on Thursday--papers, so I need to start writing them now. (God, I hate papers. With an exam, you go take it and it's over. With papers, you have hours and hours and hours to agonize over them.)

Also, it would make me insanely happy to never hear my roommate and her boyfriend having sex ever again. He's been over something like every other night, or at least once every three nights. She giggles loudly during sex, and he snores, and they get up at 6am and are loud. In other circumstances, I'd talk to her about this, but I can't take the risk of her moving out. Right now I can't afford even two weeks with no roommate. My rent is insane. (And no, my apartment isn't that nice. But it's in a safe part of the East Village and it costs lots of money to live here, even in a tiny apartment. And I'm not willing to leave--this is my favorite place in the world.)

I have been living on coffee. The first thing I do at work is make coffee. The first thing I think on weekends is "No work; how am I going to get coffee?" Should really buy some to make at home, I suppose. I've been drinking so much coffee that I have a hard time falling asleep, even though I usually only get about four hours of sleep per night. I know I should cut back--after midterms.

I haven't been on LJ or updated my website much lately, because I'm busy with school. I'll try to do more soon--next week is spring break. (Though I really should spend it studying for my colloquium, which will be on April 6. *panic*)

I haven't been talking about fandom stuff, because I have nothing really to say. I'm not passionately interested in Spike anymore--I'm just waiting for my next obsession to come along. (Although, speaking of fandom stuff, I strongly recommend indri's new fic, Descent, which is brilliant).

Anyone going to see Eric Kufs from Common Rotation at the Bitter End on Friday? I'm going, just to hang out, and a group of us will go out to dinner afterwards. Hope to see people there.

Back to paper writing.

roommates, school, common rotation, friends, work, fic recs

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