Anyone else going to the Rally to Restore Sanity tomorrow?
I’m going alone and will probably be wandering around by myself until I find someone I know. (Luckily I know quite a few people who are going, so hopefully I’ll manage to run into at least one of them. There’s even a
fangirl meetup although I don’t know if I’ll be able to find them.)
For some ungodly reason I decided to take a 6:45am train (!!!) and to stay over Saturday night instead of Friday night. Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. Or what I’m going to do after the rally. Again, hoping I’ll run into someone who’ll want to hang out.
Then I’m coming back to New York Sunday morning and seeing the Dresden Dolls at Irving Plaza Sunday night. That should be a fun thing to do for Halloween. Although honestly I think I’d rather spend my weekend curled up on my couch watching Supernatural instead of all this traveling and going out. I’m just going to have to face up to the fact that I am a giant geek.
I should go to sleep as soon as I get home tonight since I’m going to have to get up at 5am tomorrow (*sob*), but nothing is going to keep me away from tonight’s Supernatural, so maybe I’ll pack, take a nap, wake up for SPN, and then go back to sleep. Hopefully that’ll work and I won’t be a complete zombie at the rally.
Originally published at Please
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