This thread is not doing anything to change my mind about the significant percentage of GIGANTIC FUCKING ASSHOLES in Doctor Who fandom.
Seriously. Some guy rips off a bunch of fan reviews without permission, publishes them (as filler, without analysis) in a for-profit book, and has the gall to complain that his feelings are hurt when the people he stole from get upset? Because it was too much of a burden for him to ask permission from twelve people?!
I archived several hundred people on
All About Spike and I asked for permission from every single one (and that site’s not even for profit). It’s not hard to show a bit of common courtesy. Some of the authors I most loved didn’t give me permission, so, you know what? I didn’t archive them. Because if you respect someone’s work enough to want to use it, you also owe them the respect of asking their permission and abiding by their wishes.
Oh, but posting in public is exactly like giving the world permission to use your work in any way it sees fit! *eyeroll*
And, of course, it comes down to the know-it-all men talking down to the “shrill and hysterical” women who for some silly reason don’t like having their words stolen and used for someone else’s gain.
*headdesk times infinity*
* Some of the more egregious bits are quoted
here if you can’t access DWF. It’s also
on Fandom Wank.
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