Giant epic Doctor/Master vid makes me actually want to watch Old Who.
(Thank you
violet_lane for reccing it.)
…I love this ship so much. Do you guys remember how I watched
Goldeneye during the height of my Sean Bean obsession and briefly shipped Bond/Trevelyan? Because they were best friends turned vengeance-seeking enemies who still shared mutual respect as equals and also were the only people who truly understood each other? (Except Bond was too sleek and distant so you mostly felt the heat coming from Trevelyan?) And there was all this hate and need and betrayed friendship and sublimated love and at the end I *so* wanted Bond to save Trevelyan, but of course he didn’t because god forbid they put any moral ambiguity into a Bond film?
ANYWAY. Doctor/Master is like that. Except all the subtext I wanted and didn’t get in Bond/Trevelyan is RIGHT THERE in Doctor/Master. Some of it is even text: “all we have is each other” and the Doctor forgiving and crying for the Master! I swear to god it’s like I’ve had this imaginary enemyslash fantasy in my head for years that I never thought would actually be text, and here it is! (Is this why Torchwood fans are so happy about finally getting canon slash?) I could probably trace this back to Spike/Angel or maybe even my pre-slash days of being riveted by Methos/Kronos.
And then the other thing I was thinking about is that I actually have two favorite character archetypes. There’s the one I’m always babbling about in fandom, the
morally ambiguous rogue, but I also completely adore megalomaniacal supervillains. They’re generally cartoons, though, which is perfect because Simm!Master is totally a cartoon brought to life (in a good way!). Just look at my
userpics; Stewie Griffin, Mr. Burns, Sideshow Bob, Eric Cartman… even Doctor Evil is my favorite thing in Austin Powers. (Man, can you imagine Stewie and Simm!Master ruling the universe together? Slashiest supervillains ever.)
Point is, I have two archetypes that have always been entirely separate and here they are for the first time TOGETHER and it’s the slashiest thing ever. OF COURSE I LOVE IT.
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