PSA: Crazy Person to Watch Out For

Jul 23, 2008 12:49


So there is this woman in fandom for the sole purpose of making money by gathering information on us, tricking us into adding more details, selling our data to “media corporations,” and using this “business plan” as an excuse to get a tax write-off on her cell phone and computer.

In order to generate traffic for her website, this woman is purposely creating wank by publicly outing other fans who prefer to keep their RL identities private.

This post sums up, using her own quoted words, the fact that her entire purpose in fandom is to exploit other fans for her own gain.

I’m not linking to her site because I don’t want to provide traffic for her. Her name is Laura Hale/Michaela Ecks/partly_bouncy/purplepopple and her site is FanHistory / the FanHistory Wiki. I’d advise not going there, since her whole goal here is to get traffic and attention.

I’m just posting this to help spread the word and make sure people know to watch out for her, because she’s gotten away with this for a long time by preying on fandom’s trust and expectation of basic decent behavior from other fans.

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wank, fandom

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