said most of this before, but maybe I used too many words or something. Let me be succinct:
* Falling in love doesn't make you less of a person.
* Choosing what you want to do with your life, knowing how you want to live, is not a weakness. Yes, even if what matters most is to be with the person you love. It takes strength and courage to fight for the life that you want, against all odds, against the expectations of family and society. The ability to buck tradition and follow your heart is a sign of a strong character, not of childishness or immaturity.
* Being sad when you lose someone you love is normal, not pathetic. Doing everything in your power to get back to them, and succeeding against all odds, is fucking awesome. "Moving on" and "getting over" the love of your life is not superior to fighting your way back and refusing to give up.
* Battling Daleks, killing Satan, and repeatedly helping to save the universe is also awesome. It's not invalidated just because you happen to be in love while you do it.
* A couple in love is not limited to a lifetime of domesticity. Personally, my human!Doctor and Rose are defending their universe and building their own space-time machine. Or possibly being
DEADLY ZEPPELIN AIR PIRATES. Whatever. Continuing adventures, people, not the end of adventure.
By no means am I saying that everyone has to agree (*waves to the nice non-Rose fans on my flist*), but it's not anti-feminist that I like something you don't in a fictional story. You might see something completely different and hate it, and we can both still be feminists. Because stories have multiple interpretations! It's okay! Really!
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