New Who, Old Who, and More Sarah Jane Adventures

Apr 20, 2008 22:36

Watched “Rose” and “The End of the World” with jaydk last night.
It struck me that, as much as I love Donna, Rose is still my all-time favorite companion. She's got this fiercely independent spirit that I love so much. In retrospect, "Rose" is a perfect bookend for "Doomsday"; everyone tells Rose to stay home, to accept her place, not to reach for the stars, and Rose defies them all: her mother, Mickey, even the Doctor when she continues investigating after he tells her to go home.

No wonder she and the Doctor connect so well; isn't this the same guy who defied the "no interfering" rule of his people, stole a TARDIS, and ran off to see the universe? They've got the same passionate, rebellious spirit. (Not to mention similar senses of humor and enjoyment of adventure, the fact that her ability to notice the human details complements his big picture perspective, and the fact that she's clever, quick-thinking, observant, and curious. I know, I'm increasingly turning into a shipper the more I watch these things.)

We also watched the Second Doctor serial The Mind Robber. It had a lot of entertainingly surreal elements, with all the riddles and the fiction come to life. Zoe pissed me off by screaming way too much, although her glittering catsuit was, uh, interesting. And the ho!yay between Jamie and the Doctor continues to abound. Mostly, though, it was an effort to stay awake; these old serials are not for me. (And not just because they're slow. It's because I can't connect to any of the characters. The Doctor pre-Time War is not anywhere near as engaging as the angsty, withdrawn PTSD Doctor we have now. And none of the companions have done anything for me yet--they mostly just seem to scream and spout exposition.)

And we watched the next Sarah Jane Adventures two-parter, "Eye of the Gorgon." I liked it a lot; it amazes me that the writing is so much better here compared to Torchwood. They touched on Maria's issues with her parents' divorce, Chrissie's awareness of her own screwed-up behavior, and the danger and wonder of adventures with Sarah Jane (who is totally filling the Doctor's role in this story). All while keeping things light-hearted and telling an engaging adventure story. I particularly liked the gender reversal in Sarah Jane and Maria being sent out to get the talisman while the boys are held hostage.

And, of course, we watched "Planet of the Ood." I'll try to write a proper review later.

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old who, sarah jane adventures, doctor who

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