Rolling my eyes at fandom, yet again

Apr 14, 2008 16:30

Random thing that’s annoying me lately: people justifying their fannish opinions by claiming that the show isn’t “supposed” to go a certain way. Like, y’know, “It’s not that I hate Rose, it’s just that the Whoniverse isn’t supposed to be so focused on one companion.” Or “It’ll destroy the moral structure of the Buffyverse if Spike is good without a soul.”

Please. Own your own freaking opinion. You don’t like Rose or Spike? Fine. Say so. But quit trying to pretend you’re just some neutral party trying to defend the integrity of the show (against us destructive interlopers who like the characters you dislike). TV shows change directions all the time, and the ones that do change to pursue a more interesting story are generally better for it.

I don’t give a fuck about “preserving the integrity of the initial set up”-it’s just a TV show premise, not a religious doctrine. If something better comes along, good. I want a well-written story, and if that means adjusting the rules, I’m all for it.

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doctor who, fandom, buffy the vampire slayer, rants

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