More Blog Updates, Plus Random Fannish Babble

Apr 03, 2008 16:43

I somehow managed to stay up until 3:30am last night fiddling with my blog. I:
* made the emailed comment replies much prettier (now they have a nice font and correct line breaks)

* installed a comment preview. You can preview comments on my blog now! (It seems to work everywhere except IE7, where its javascript gets mixed up with the threaded comments javascript. I have no idea how to fix that.)

* figured out a way to pull in people's default userpics if they enter their website as their InsaneJournal, JournalFen, or LiveJournal URL. (Based on a plugin by by Emily Ravenwood and Ken Irwin but integrated with EasyGravatar since I was already using it. And I couldn't figure out their caching mechanism so I wrote my own.)

So if you want your userpic to show up on my blog, just enter your URL as (where username is, um, your username) or or If you already have an account on my blog, just edit your profile to make that your website URL.

(The display is weird in some browsers; I'm trying to figure out to how to fix it so the icons don't occasionally overlap each other.)

* installed Hide or Cut Post Text and integrated my LiveJournal and InsaneJournal crossposters with LJ Crossposter Plus so that I can use one tag to have multiple cuts across all three blogs.

* learned a bunch of new php functions in the process, including glob, copy, and exif_imagetype (because LJ is weird and doesn't show image extensions, what's with that?).

(If anyone out there is setting up a WordPress blog and wants to see any of the code I wrote, just let me know.)

Other random stuff:

I had a very difficult time waking up in the morning (I wonder why!). My alarm was blaring, but somehow I had the idea that as long as I woke up on the same date, it didn't matter what time I woke up. Stupid half-asleep brain. And I was having some kind of strange dream about the ending of The Princess Bride trying to trick the audience into thinking that Fezzik had been the villain all along. (But I wasn't falling for it.)

On the plus side, my half-asleep brain is far more creative than my awake brain, so I plotted out an entire Doctor/Master fic on my train ride to work. (Not that I'll ever write it.)

I bought a ticket last night for this benefit at the Nokia Theater featuring Slash, Jerry Cantrell, Tom Morello, and Perry Farrell. I don't actually know what it is, but with that line-up, who could resist?

I also see that Stone Temple Pilots tickets are going on sale for a show in New Jersey. Um, New Jersey? C'mon guys, please announce a NYC date. I want to see you, but not badly enough to trek out to Jersey. :P

(ETA: And how did I miss that Scott Weiland left Velvet Revolver? Not that it's much of a surprise. I saw them seven or eight times last year and half the time the other band members were visibly rolling their eyes at Weiland's antics. I'm still a bit sad, though. Formulaic though they may have been, their shows were fun.)

I'm watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report again. They made a Highlander joke on TDS last night! And Stephen Colbert pulled John Oliver out of a suitcase! And Colbert interviewed REM while wearing their album as a codpiece! (I was eating as that happened and ended up inhaling a large amount of cous cous.)

South Park has been more cracked-out than usual this season; last night was a total waste. But I watched the new Futurama movie and it was *awesome*. They managed to reference pretty much every cool thing that happened in the series, plus tell a good new story too.

I saw this ad (a giant Darth Vader head with the caption "A guy can only be called 'Annie' so many times before he snaps") and burst out laughing in the middle of the subway station. Yay geek humor! (*ignores underlying misogyny*)

I finally got that vanilla-themed BPAL order. I am in love with Antique Lace. It's sweet vanilla with a hint of white musk, but not at all cloying; more like distant and cool. But it's strong and lasted all day. It's similar to my favorite scent ever, Dorian, but different enough that I'll probably end up buying a whole bottle.

All of this is just killing time until Saturday. DOCTOR WHO!!!! *incoherent flailing*
Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

random, bpal, wordpress, concerts, livejournal, velvet revolver, insanejournal, south park, futurama, jon stewart, stephen colbert

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