Friday March 21 is LJ Blackout Day

Mar 17, 2008 16:17

Just added "uncensored interests lists" to my LJ interests list. Heh.

Friday March 21st is LJ blackout day. I won't be posting or commenting on LJ on that day from midnight GMT to midnight GMT.

Lots of people have been pointing out that LiveJournal is a business, as if that excuses every offensive thing that they do. I believe that businesses should balance profit with ethics. That's why I'm vegan, and why I try to avoid buying from companies that profit by hurting animals or abusing the environment. I wouldn't want to support a company that caves to homophobia, either, which is what LJ is doing when they try to hide that their users are interested in bisexuality. Or one that regards "fandom" and "depression" as worthy of censorship. Or one that breaks its promises and treats its users like idiots.

My paid account expires next month and obviously I won't be renewing.

Yeah, the actions of one person don't make much of an impact. But that's the same silly argument people use against voting, and it's easily refuted by the fact that 1) groups are made of individuals, and group actions do have impact, and 2) no matter what anyone else does, I'm doing what I think is right.

Of course there are more important causes in which to participate (and I do), but I've spent five years of my life contributing content and paying for services on LiveJournal. I have every right to care about this too.

[Cross-posted to InsaneJournal]


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