(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 12:39

I had the most incredibly peculiar dream last night.

I was traveling with Wolverine and some woman who was similar to Jean Grey, and I was some combination of Rogue, myself, and my co-worker Sarah.

We were in a room similar to my childhood bedroom, but with a window overlooking a roof, and out the window were aliens who were invading in space ships, who we were trying to fight. We hadn't managed to destroy their main space ship, but I had my digital camera, and somehow I set it to "alien space ship destroy mode." I took a photo of the main enemy alien space ship, and by taking the photo I shot some kind of laser that destroyed it. (And then I was upset because I couldn't set my camera back to normal; all the photo taking modes had changed to various "destroy alien space ship" modes. I was surprised because I hadn't realized that was a feature of my camera.)

The aliens were upset, and sent seven alien monster superhero gods to kill us. One of them was in the form of a dragon. We escaped in my parents' van, and suddenly there were a bunch of people with us, and we barely managed to cram ourselves into the van. My mom was driving and I was in the front seat.

It was night, and I realized that the alien monster superhero gods were flying through the sky searching for us. We got out of the van, and one of them swooped down out of the sky to attack, but one of us (probably Wolverine) managed to fight it off.

We continued to travel, and came to an outdoor carnival (it was still night), and again it was just me, Wolverine, and the Jean-Grey-ish person. We didn't want the alien gods to see us, so we stood under one of the huge open tents. We looked out onto the horizon, and realized that we could actually see the aliens; they were so huge that they were taking the whole horizon. They took the forms of mythological animals, except that one had taken the form of Superman, and they all had different powers (the Superman one had Superman's powers, but wasn't really Superman).

The carnival guy who was running the tent came over and told us that we had to leave, but I distracted him by pointing to the alien gods on the horizon and asking what they were. He gave me a thick comic book, printed on newsprint, and told me that it would explain them.

Then they saw us and two of them swooped down out of the sky and attacked us. We managed to fight them off by working together. Part of the point is that we all had different skills and were all useful in different ways at fighting them off--although Wolverine was particularly helpful since he could be injured without dying.

We were on the run, in terror of the alien gods who could swoop out of the sky at any moment and kill us. We ended up on a NYC sidewalk standing outside of a club. We were talking and suddenly I looked up and saw that the Superman alien god was zooming down about to attack Wolverine, so I shouted and he just barely managed to defend himself. Then we were fighting some more.

When I woke up, it took me a little while to convince myself that I was safe and that there weren't actually any alien gods about to swoop out of the sky and kill me. I can't tell you how huge a relief that realization was.

(I guess it's better than another dream about high school, though.)


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