Jun 21, 2006 17:48

I know this already making the rounds within fandom, but for anyone who's managed to miss it, you really must read this: apparently a huge amount of the wank that's gone on in Harry Potter fandom for the past few years was all caused by one batshit insane fan and her zillion sockpuppets. I was over here (barely) participating in Spike fandom, yet even I remember a bunch of this stuff happening. Crazy to see that it all ties together like this.

It's quite a fascinating study in human social interaction--almost a guide on how to manipulate people and play on their biases in order to gain social power. Very much worth reading, even just to recognize the signs and avoid such people in the future.

10zlaine, you'll find it quite interesting.

This is also just such an interesting documentation because it captures this personality type so well. Everything she did reminds me of someone I knew, the same thing--the lies to gain social power, the thrill of causing drama, and the utter lack of qualms about hurting those who called her a friend.

This "friend" of mine, among other things, lied that her boyfriend had killed himself in front of her, that she was variously suffering from AIDS and/or cancer, that she was working full time to support her insane mother, that she had cut her wrist and was bleeding right there over the keyboard while IMing me, that she was best friends with the band Orgy, and that she was a gorgeous model and musicial genius (while in fact being overweight, ugly, and musically mediocre). She had a million and one fake names with a string of lies and alienated former friends behind them, and she nearly destroyed my friendship with my best friend by playing us against each other, creating fake emails and IMs, and lying to each of us about what the other had said. And it was all part of her attempt to get close to the lead singer of a certain band, and also just because she loved the thrill of starting shit, playing people against each other, and casting herself as heroine/victim.

So, yeah, this msscribe person could be her twin. It's scary.

In other news, now that I've had a good night's sleep and washed off the ickiness of the Hartford train station, I've decided that going to Hartford wasn't a mistake after all. I mean, you know, it was PIG. And ... yeah.

Now I'm trying to decide--should I go to San Francisco and LA, or should I try for the three Texas dates, Austin, Dallas, and Houston? I want to go to the ones that'll have better crowds. I'm leaning toward SF and LA, but those guys I hung with in Florida might be going to the Texas ones, in which case it would be fun to have traveling partners. And then, should I go to the final show in Nashville, too? I'm tempted, but it's on a Thursday, meaning I'd have to take two vacation days. Argh. I'm going to wait and see.

pig, harry potter, wank, fandom, friends, concerts, travel, psycho fans

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