Question: Anyone know San Francisco?

Jan 10, 2006 15:12

A general question for my FL: Anyone know San Francisco?

Like, would it be possible for a single woman who doesn't drive to fly to SF and use public transportation to get to a hotel in the area of a club called Bottom the of the Hill, at 1233 17th Street (17th @ Missouri).

All the hotels I see look to be at least a mile away from the club. Is that walkable? Is it a safe area to walk in alone at night? What are the public trans options? I've read reviews on Citysearch for what seem to be the closest hotels, and there's not much info--and what is there sounds pretty seedy.

What would be the closest airport? Jet Blue has good airfare to Oakland, is that feasible? It looks like I can take the "BART" from the airport into San Francisco.

Map of the area here.

I can figure out the technical details, but what I really need to know is whether this area would be safe enough to be in alone, and whether I'll be able to get around without a car.

If anyone can provide any information, it will be greatly appreciated. :)

(If I do this, it'll probably be Thursday March 16 to Sunday March 19.)


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