queenofthorns finally wrote her long-threatened
Big Post of Jaime Love. Well, at least, she wrote Part 1. Check it out.
If you still haven't read A Song of Ice and Fire ... oh, c'mon already! It's perfect for Spike fans; I already got
drujan and
10zlaine hooked.
If only
this fic by
lunasky had been the actual ending of Veronica Mars this week.
Speaking of VM,
what's wrong with these writers? Why do they keep giving so much screentime and story time to a character who rivals Riley Finn for the title of Most Boring, Inane, Sexist, Blank, Block-of-Wood excuse for a character ever? He's not even worth the energy it takes to hate him. And honestly, it's hard to motivate myself to watch the show at all when he's there sucking up screentime.
And Veronica's not much better. I liked and sympathized with S1 Veronica... but S2 Veronica is bland and weak. And I know she's always had a soft spot for Duncan (she turned Logan in when she thought he killed Lilly, but she gave Duncan escape advice when she thought the same of him), but now that they're spending so much time together, her lameness comes out more and more in her personality.
I'm really trying not to hate Veronica. For one thing, it's not much fun to hate the lead of a show you're into. For another, I don't want to fall into the trap of disliking female characters for stuff that I'd forgive in male characters. (Although speaking of which...
great post from
rahirah). But... all that aside, I'm really starting to dislike her. The emotional repression, the longing for "normal," the superior attitude... it's S6/7 Buffy all over again.
Please let the "moral" of this season be that "normal" isn't all it's cracked up to be. Because if they pull another Buffy on me, I'm going to be seriously pissed.
Now to the one reason I keep watching the show: Logan. Not nearly enough of him. But at least he was there, being hot and fucked-up, and his scene with Weevil was great. They're totally my slash couple, full of rage and suppressed lust and grudging respect. *sigh* Good fight.
Oh, you know what I'm sick of? I say "I love Logan so much" and people go "Yeah, but he's all fucked-up." So? That's, like, a total non-sequitor, and yet people come back with it all the time. I totally love him because he's fucked-up. He's a fictional character, a manifestation of a form of art, not a potential life partner. I mean, imagine if I said "I love this Pig song!" and people said "Yeah, but Pig is emotionally fucked-up." Of course he is! That's part of what makes his music wonderful--that it's human and relatable and dark and cynical and interesting. Imagine how dull it would be if every form of art had to fit society's current view of "emotionally healthy." We'd be listening to Muzak and watching Touched by an Angel.
Oh, and the Willow/Cordy shoutout was kind of cool. Yeah, it was a total shoutout that didn't really fit with the show, but still--I have to admit it brought back a bit of Buffy nostalgia.
And speaking of nostalgia,
sophia_helix posted
this poll about best and favorite Darin Morgan episodes of X-Files.
Remember Darin Morgan? Remember X-Files? Remember the cockroach running across the screen, or that time Mulder shrieked?
*gets all depressingly nostalgic*
That was back before I knew about internet fandom (I think maybe we had AOL, pay by the minute, and my dad let me have 15 minutes a week or something useless like that). But I was a fan, like in the fan club, and my best friend and I used to watch it together over the phone, calling each other at the commercials and screaming about whatever amazing plot twist had just happened. And we'd have sleepover marathons and we even kinda wrote fanfic--at least, Mulder and Scully parodies appeared as characters in original stuff that we wrote.
Stupid nostalgia.