voodoo_in_tx tagged me to do a meme. I never get tagged to do memes--I'm not sure whether to be flattered or disturbed by this.
List 5 reasons why you are a dork. And make them good reasons.
Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud about how big of a dork
you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the
1. I read massive amounts of fanfiction. For almost three years, I read nearly every decent story written about Spike that I could find, and I archived many at my very own
fanfiction website. I get into arguments with people about whether fanfiction counts as a legitimate form of art (it absolutely does). And I'll read almost anything if it's written well, no matter how NC-17 or taboo. (RPF is the only exception; it's a personal squick.)
2. My idea of a really good time is to have friends over to stay up really late, eat snack food, watch movies/TV shows, and get into deep involving discussions about what we're watching.
3. I refuse to buy the DVD versions of Star Wars because they've been corrupted by stupid digital crap. I'm sticking with the real movies for the rest of my life, no matter how worn out these VHS tapes get. (And, related: I've seen the originals something like 500 times each.)
4. I don't dress up at conventions (aside from my usual semi-goth regalia), but I think it's awesome when other people do.
5. Sometimes I'm late for work because I'm listening to a really good song and can't bear to turn it off in the middle.
[I'm not tagging people; I can never remember who has already done it. If you're intrigued, then consider yourself tagged. You're on LiveJournal--you're all dorks. ;) ]
Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker. Hilarious.