Massive flooding at fact all over the Gold Coast....thought I would share some pictures for you
some before and after shots
You can notice that in the first pics that where there is grass, there is now flooding all over the grass, there was absolutley no grass, it was completely underwater up to about your knees.
In the second pics, you can notice again how far the grass extends to the actual building...a good 10 metres maybe even 20 looking a the pics now...and in the aftermath pics there is no grass. The flooding made it all the way to the steps leading up to the building.
In the third pic you can notice that there is a large concrete walkway, almost like a jetty that decends down towards the middle and then rises as it reaches the outskirts towards the steps. This is completely underwater! And this is a HUGE part to be covered... I have heaps and heaps of more pics, the flooding was unbelievable, I have never been involved in anything like it in my life.
Sadly two people were killed, it was just so sudden...classes were cancelled, everything was turned upside down...i'll put more pics up later maybe if you guys are interested.