I would like to give a BIG thank you to
IsabeauDeNavarre who was kind enough to gift me a Robin of Sherwood story on AO3. The story is called
Looking at The Other Side of The Mirror, which is the second part of the Reflections series.
I haven't had a chance to read
Looking at The Other Side of The Mirror yet, but I'm sure I'll really enjoy it.
karen9, I debated whether I should recommend the first story in the series,
Through A Looking-Glass, Darkly, as it's a bit on the dark side, but you might find it interesting. Robert of Huntingdon wakes up in a universe that's very different from his own. Think Star Trek Mirror Universe. Anyway, you might want to give it a try.
For any other RoS fans out there, IsabeauDeNavarre writes mostly Gisburne-centric fic and is frighteningly prolific. I haven't been able to keep up with her! *g*
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