(no subject)

Aug 18, 2010 11:27

So I met Bryan Lee O'Malley the other night! He rocked. I mean, really fucking rocked.

I arrived in the queue at about 4, thinking I'd be maybe 20th in the que - I was at the 50 mark. By the time it was 5p.m there were over 200 waiting. We were snaked all down Market street to the point where Subway had to keep begging us to move from the doorways. This wouldn't have been a problem but it was so hot and sunny that the poor 20 or so that were stuck around the corner were in full blast from the sun and there was no way they could stand for two hours in the heat.

The previous signing's I've been to at Page 45 I've been able to wait inside the shop, so it was fun being in the main queue. Tom was running up and down enforcing 'Pg. 45 rules' in the queue which basically came down to 'do what you want but don't take the piss', and he was holding the places for people who were on their own.

I am terrible at these things - presenting yourself in front of someone you admire and having about 2 minutes to say or ask something that doesn't make you seem like a complete moron is totally beyond me. But it worked out all right, I think I was probably a 3 on the 'dumb things to say to people you like' scale, with 10 being 'I WANT TO BE INSIDE YOU'.

autographs, scott pilgrim, real life

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