Apr 02, 2019 23:24
In that space between dreaming and waking, I always feel like I'm dying.
So, this week has not been great. I woke up with severe anxiety on Sunday night after some drama on YouTube, so I didn't get a lot of sleep. Then when I got to work, I found out that one of my co-workers had a stroke and was in the hospital.
I have one big order I'm working on this week which is several dozen pair of mittens made out of this white fiberglass material. Everytime I work with it, I get sick. My sinuses get stopped up, I get a really bad headache and I just generally feel unwell. I came home and took a four-hour nap yesterday evening. I didn't sleep well again.
This morning was colder, but I wore a dust mask today, and even though I felt just as bad when I got home, my nap was shorter and my headache has gone away now. Also, it was reported that my co-worker will be back at work next week, as she seems to have no lasting effects from the stroke.
We came home to a water leak under the street. I called and left a message on the water department's voicemail, after getting a message that said in a grumpy white man's voice "The water issue has been resolved. You should be getting water pressure back in the next 30 minutes. Thank you. Have a nice day." I'm assuming they had shut off the water to fix a problem elsewhere and it started leaking here when they turned it back on. It leaked here before and they had to tear up the street and part of our yard to fix it. The never reburied the water main valve thingy.
One of my YouTube friends is doing a subscribers contest where he asked two questions: What movies scared you as a kid? and What is the last movie to scare you or unnerve you?
When I was a kid, I was scared of everything, but I think for the first question I will pick Salem's Lot. I remember I was spending the night at my aunt and uncle and cousins' house, and they were watching it. It was not the original airing because I remember it being all in one night. I was young though because I didn't know the hole the kid falls into was an open grave. I thought it was a construction site. I remember the scene with the kid outside the window being super scary. The blue vampire was also terrifying. I remember begging to go take a bath. But when the bath was over, the movie was still on...and still terrifying. I think when the movie was over, I cried to go home to my mama.
The second question is a little trickier. Jump scares still work on me, almost always, but movies don't necessarily scare me anymore. It's more "What's going to make my anxiety worse?" or "What's going to trigger me and put me in a funky mood?"
The most recent movies to do that were:
Finding Neverland - I didn't see this, but it was very disturbing to hear about. From the clips I saw, I didn't find the alleged victims believable. However, I also wasn't convinced by the rebuttals. So I found myself in a weird middle ground, trying to make sense of it by comparing things to my own experiences. The timeline of my memories is often wrong.
The New York Ripper - I was very, very disturbed by the scene where a guy sexually assaults a woman with his toe. More so than the scene where someone gets their eye cut open with a razor blade. The toe scene was the one that stuck with me in a very uncomfortable way.
Lake Mungo - It was a very depressing movie about death and unresolved family issues, with one or two scenes that were particularly unnerving. Overall, it made me very sad.
The Haunting of Hill House - Another one that made me sad, but also I was quite creeped out and when I would take out the garbage at night, I was alsways expecting to see something scary at any moment.
It Follows - It's been a few years since I watched it, but I found it very creepy. The ambiguous time period, the retro music...creepy people and a premise that would kinda be my worst nightmare.
Anyway, it's once again past my bedtime.