No retard, not THAT kind of Metal. I'm talken Heavy FUCKEN Metal. The kind of music that buries itself into your soul and turns you black with RAGE FROM SATAN!!!!!
k... well not really, but I am talken about Metal. Most people who know me generally KNOW for FACT that I am not a metal fan. I don't like a good chunk of it, and the stuff I do LIKE apparently isn't metal. Well I went to Pagan Fest tonight and it was fucken AWSOME. Well three outta the six or seven were really fucken good, and two of those blew my mother fucken mind. I haven't been in mosh pits like those since I was 18, and god damnit I'm feelen my age. I hurt EVERYWHERE. Even my HAIR hurts.
Speaking of hair and metal, I got to test out my METAL HAIR and I am quit satisfied.
I decided to go when my good and dear friend Martine mentioned it in PASSING. She's a pretty die hard metal head and she has been introducing me, slowly, to the "real" metal of the world. Its slow, cause I am very very picky about the music I listen to, but she's been doen a good job introducing new bands that fit my tastes. She also mentioned this show after we'd talked about "getting out more" and all the socializing she's been doen and how I... well haven't, but was trying to tell her I DO get out. SO I said I'd go. I don' think she believed me until today, the day OF the show. hehe
But in all honestly I had other motivations to going to this show. I KNEW that there was a very good chance that a Mosh Pit would be present, after all it is a god damn WORLD WIDE Metal tour. And back in the day I used to use this type of environment to get out pent up teenage frustrations and angst. As time went on I used it as a form of relaxation (yes.. it truly can be!!!) and, well, since I don't get sex it's the next best thing. It was a stress relieving, relaxing, and body molding endeavour. And it was quit fucking AWSOME.
I was kinda worried though cause I didn't want to seem like I was bailen on Martine the WHOLE show. Well, luck will have it (or what I like to call the BUBBLE EFFECT (Thank you Thirty Rock)) the lead guitarist from Blackguard came up and started talken to Martine. They wound up talken the WHOLE show... which was great because it allowed me carefree bliss in the pits. I didn't need to worry about a thing.
Two bands I am GOING to find albums for and get. I shall mention them below.
korpiklaani Blackguard Enjoy.
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