It's All About The Game, And How You Play It.

Apr 19, 2005 21:11

I find myself falling into the effervescent negro stylings of three six mafia.
Say what you want but the music for their CD The End is the shit.
Notice how I still manage to pull off the literary mastery Chaos itself handed down upon me and not sell out to these degenerate filth peddlers of the ignorant and benign.
I don't use da, bitches.
I've been awake for twenty six hours now.
Aren't I lucky.
I'm playing that fucking RPG game. I kept dying as a warrior.
So now I'm a Shaman. Whatever the fuck that means.
I get to use a fucking bow and arrow.
I want to snipe bitches. And use an axe.
This is my ultimate goal in the game, really.
The spells can kiss my ass.
Well, the fire is amazing.
But basically. I want to do everything that's possible to do in reality.
And fuck the rest.
Give me my carnage oh so digital and pure.
No probation for that.
I wonder how long I can stay awake. I'll eventually go to sleep.
I need to be awake since I told some red headed piece of ass that I'd be around tonight and she likes it when I'm not a complete and total liar.
So I might as well put the effort in, eh?
Since you're the only one that still knows this exists, this is basically all for you.
Have at it and enjoy.
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