Title: No Crown of Thorns
Fandom: Post-FFXII
Characters: Larsa, (Penelo)
Rating: G
Format: One-Shot
Status: Complete, polished, spellchecked.
Words: 810
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of characters or games, only themes within.
Author's Notes: Cause apparently there just isn't enough Larsa/Penelo love on my flist, I had to write this. Mostly
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Well-done, though. Eerie.
Often there's insanity that runs in royal houses... wondering if Larsa has a touch of it.... ;)
It's something that should be explored!
Oh, he does. I hate to toot my own horn, but have you read my Erlkonig? Or is the Al-Cid thing you dissected the only of my work you've gotten to?
You expressed an interest in seeing me use a less flowery style, in a similar situation: I'll point you toward Seams for that--Basch, you'll notice, has a much cleaner style than Al-Cid in a similar situation. It is longer than you expressed interest in, but a good example of what I try to do.
Also, in reference to YOUR fic, read Erlkonig. Because Larsa and happy endings do not mix. ::smiles:: 2300 words.
I figure if you're puttering around, you'll come across the shorter works as well.
Hope you enyoy--and if you want me to recommend other authors, I shall, but I figure you can find your way around.
At least you're a good sport about letting me cut into your work. This is what I like best about fanfic.. reviewing.
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