Going Back

Dec 29, 2005 04:34

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I spend a lot of time thinking when I am alone. I spend that time thinking when watching movies and enjoying some quiet times with those I cherish the most. I don't think I show my loved ones how much I truly care for them. That is too bad. I wish I could do something to fix that, but as I see it now, it will never happen. I wonder if it would be great to go back, but at this point I think not. Every time I drive home I know that I will never be able to go back even if I want to. The past is a safe haven for those not adventurous enough to plow head first into the future. Sure, I know what happened in the past and can easily stay put and not let myself go on, but that will not help anything. Going on into the future is the only solution, but this would be an enormous task to surmount. Day by day is the key. I want to spend a whole summer with those that I care the most about just spending time doing nothing. Every time I sit and think about blissfulness I think how great it would be to just sit under a tree somewhere with or without someone dear to me. Just sit there and let the time wash away. I would like to be locked into a memory and let the whole world fade around me. The world moves too fast for me. You can't just sit around all day under a tree for no good reason. I think that is precisely why I want to do it. But these are just the ramblings of someone who has nothing better to do. Or are they, as I type I can't tell. I can't tell whether or not I am just emotionally unstable or if I actually am on to something here. I am sure there is only one way to test it. I think my friend Brandon hit it right on the nose. Take a summer off and live the high life. Would I get restless? Could I do it? I hope and pray that I can just take it easy. I think that this next summer is going to be dedicated to calm. I think my whole life should be. I think I want to move to an island somewhere where it is always warm and just spend every day doing what I want and relaxing in a hammock. Even just a week of that would be nice. I think I need to visit my dad's house. That is entirely my haven. Anyway. Everyone should find their haven. If you get nothing out of my writing, that is fine. This is simply for me. Writing for an audience and not caring is a major achievement if you ask me..
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