
Nov 10, 2005 23:33

You know what the wonderful thing about boredom is.. When you are bored.. and no one else around you is.. They really don't feel like spending the time making sure you aren't.. Sometimes, being bored with a group of friends is a life long memory, people hump dents into cars and break windshields.. or even give minor concussions to others.. These are the times where we had nothing better to do and simply hung out.. Boredom is a bitch when you are alone, I mean, just so you know.

So, yeah.. I am pretty sure that a couple people will read this and think I am referrencing them.. And, I mean.. I'm not.. maybe they won't.. that is cool too..

so, yeah.. (again) I am really bored and what else can I do but type my little heart out on this livejournal.. Seems really weird if you think about it.. Putting down all your thoughts in a place where pretty much anyone can see it... Like, I mean, why have a journal for the things you want people to know about you and then one for those you don't.. I mean, really, the things that you would put in the broadcast journal are just the things that you are trying to draw attention to yourself with.. like, MAN I HATE MY LIFE.. so, you could easily just keep that to yourself. To clarify, I do not hate my life.. but there are people who do and they post stuff like that.. Usually with a rather sad song in their little music bar.. this sort of thing doesn't really piss me off, but I completely see how it is actually the truth for most of the people.. Some will be indignant and say that they don't post just for attention, but if you didn't want attention and your friends and "friends" (because there is a difference) to post their every thought on your newest happy/sad/angry/whatever moment, you wouldn't post.. You would simply think of these things or tuck them into your own little diary/journal that you tuck under your bed. I mean, come on.. Why do people put things on billboards, to have them read.. If you don't want something conveyed to the world, you don't make it twelve feet tall and ten yards across... It just doesn't make sense.. so, yes.. I will come to my point, Yes, I want people to know that I am bored, yeah.. I probably would enjoy seeing a couple people responding to my post with critiques.. Telling me how wrong I am or how right I am.. I always love when people tell me I am wrong, because most of the time I can get a rather good argument out of it, and nothing breaks a sweat like argumenting.. Yeah.. sounds good.. Strife is a part of life. Deal with it.
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