Spread Sperm

Dec 07, 2005 11:53

So for some reason I’ve become a choice for a sperm donor about 3-4 times in the last 4 months. Although I find this fun and interesting it’s also a bit scary as the idea of my sperm being used to create a baby in another family unit that could be tainted. So this is my protocol if you want to have a little version of me walking around.

The mother in questioned should be pre screened before application for STIS HIV and any other rare genetic disorders like stupidity or Muscular dystrophy.

The mother has not smoked cigarettes for over a year and plans to never smoke again as well her partner don’t smoke. I don’t want my said sperm to grow up in a family of smokers

Nobody who is stupid and doesn’t understand that it takes a strong family unit to raise a child. Even if it’s a single parent there still needs to be a strong family unit of friends family ect ect

No Tranny boys or dykes that dresses think act like there Limp Bizket Ennemma or any other crappy Rap Rock band Tranny Men and Lesbians are fine.

No one who is trying to do something to prove their manliness or to prove how much they love their wife lover life partner GF BF fuck buddy.

I don’t care if the family is well off it’s a requirement.

No one who will play games with my sperm i.e. mixing a whole batch of a bunch of sperm donors and guessing which on got into the egg. It’s my sperm and my sperm only (sorry Anna)

Ideal candidate one
Two lesbians 30+ looking to bring up a child both or one work in well paying jobs and want to bring a child into the world ect ect ect blah blah blah.

Ideal candidate two
A Trans man and his wife/partner they have been together for four years and want to expand their lives by having a child.

Ideal candidate three
A cute guy and not for the purposes of procreation
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